So Long, 2019.

2019 ahhhhhh~~
Why you leave so soon?
I remember how I said Hi to 2019,
now it is ending?!

I have not much time for grandmother stories.
But I would like to remember a few things in 2019.
It means a lot to me, because this year, I gained so much, 
and of course, lost something else too.

Highlights of 2019!

Coping with new job is always challenging.
But I think I did well so far.

And thank you Yunnan and Bangkok for a memorable time.
It was simple but nice.

Officially 28, I am proud of myself.
But there's so much I can do, so much I want to offer.

CNY was fun, spend less money,
spend more time.

Seeing the 4kg nephew baby for the first time, oh boy!
He is so damn cute, I cannot~~~

Goodbye ex GM, Hello new GM.
I believe, everything happens for a good reason.

Completed my probation, well done to myself.
These 6 months were amazing, seeing more green warriors inspire me always!

Alright, getting a house is not easy.
But I am getting one, one life goal achieved!

Baby ZYue is here!
And now she grows up into a cutie pie~

Work is fun but there's so much to learn.
Visitation and events, yes eyes opening.


A holiday to the far far away country ONCE AGAIN!
A truly unexpected one, but I worked for it!

Milan and Lake Como, Merano and the green valleys
I love the road trips okay?

Far far away trip ended, and I was really sad.
I just love to travel with people I love. But...

My heart shattered into pieces, oh Happy...
You waited for me and I know it, RIP.

One big challenge in 2019, we made it!
Goodbye PGIGCE, you've been good.

Yes, my best friend's wedding in Kedah.
You got my blessings!

Work is more and more challenging.
Transformation is really something for all of us.

Mr.E brightened up my days.
Life is so much better when there's someone who love-hate you.

ROM and more weddings.
Please don't ask me when is my turn.

And aha!
Baby Kerwin is here, but I still haven't hold him yet!

I got a second chance to watch JJ's concert, oh boy!
That was a lucky and crazier one!

Attended an intensive workshop that inspired me.
Working in the environmental sector is never easy.

Grandma had a critical situation that somehow brought everyone together.
I have fear, but no one lives forever.


And so, 2019 is a beautiful year.
Seeing my friends getting married and having babies,
it is scary, but it is wonderful at the same time.

Losing someone you love is also heartbroken, 
it hurts so badly that I can really feel the pain inside.
Nothing is scarier than not having that someone in your life again.

But life is not just about happy and sad.
We have so much more to feel, 
so much more we can give.

Life is also about growing wiser ad stronger.
we have so much strength inside, we just need t to discover it.
Just like how most of the movies teach us about courage.

I think 2019 is a fruitful year for me.
Definitely need to give more than I can receive in the coming new year.
I always have so much to do, but always stuck.

Anyway, less is more.
Getting used to shop nothing life cause I cannot shop like last time anymore.
Less plastic, more patience.
I m getting there, zero waste lifestyle.
It makes me happier and crazier as well, haha!

One last thank you, 2019.
Not very sure how well I did,
but definitely better than the year before.

So long, good bye.

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