Story of My Convocation

Little florist at my house.
With lots of love.
Pretty amazing to see all these.
 Thank you to those who came and wished me in whatever ways.
I will not forget this.

My first bouquet from cousins:
 Just the right one as I hoped. 
Sunflowers, brown and yellowish wrapping paper,cute bear. 
Is it real that my cousins know me so well? 
Haha. I guess it was just a coincident...
But I like it very much.

Next, from someone who know me well too.
 Yay, a puppy bouquet!
It was the first one I received after I came out from the hall.
Got it in surprise. 
Thank you friends, you guys really know me.

I want to display all the gifts I have received, but I can't.
So, just pick those memorable one. =)
 Special handmade card from a friend.
Will keep it for a long while I think.
Very well designed. Haha!

I always hope for colourful flying balloons.
But it is alright.
I have Dora with me. 
 Hey Dora, specially gift from a cute friend of mine.
Just as cute as the Dora balloon~

And also, some of the gifts, red packets, sweets~
 Thank you all....
Every little things is appreciated.

Last but not least...
She said: This is one of my favourites.
The four leaves represent something something..which I can only remember FAME.
Sorry, I have bad memory, can't recall.
Thank you for giving me this, I don't know how should I express myself.
But I will keep it well, I promised. 

To those who shared and gave me Ed Sheeran's album...
A BIG KISS for you!
Never expect this to happen.

And usually, 
Malaysians always take family photos in the studio during convocation.
But I don't.
 Our own family photo, taken by someone / timer in camera, at home.

Self-service, easier and faster.

Thank you for taking part in the photo session. 
I am fortunate enough to be able to be take these photos with them.

Last but not least, my special cute granny.
I feel sorry to make her travelled all the way to join us in the photo session.
But she made it, so that was really awesome.

 So, that's the end of my convocation story.
And I smiled, a lot.

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