Fuyoh! It's A Perlis Day Trip!

 Fuyoh! It was the World Environment Day in June!
Yes, we have a day like this in June, and we celebrate it as well.
Introducing Fuyoh! Our first big event after 2 and a half years combating Covid-19~
Me working hard again~

Our team back in action! Long story short, just Fuyoh!

Baby Tapir and Turtle made of plastic container,
what do you think?

So Fuyoh! is an environmental bazaar for the public to learn about environmental issue is a leisure way.
So chill and have fun!

Would you like to have a plate of nasi lemak (look carefully)?

Basically the event was fun and relax, and sunny day!
Thank god rain stop in the morning~ phew.
First touch of real starfish, haha!

Last but not least, thank you for supporting our programs. 
The environment needs us okay?

So, in conjunction with this and also a promise to my ex-colleague,
here's the road trip we been talking for so long~

Hello Perlis!
Heading to the North yo, driving all the way~
from morning until night~ 
crazy faces~

Supportive boss and colleagues, so we were able to make this happen.

Appreciating every moments and the great escape from the island!
Greenery and beautiful hills~
My first cross-state trip after 2020 MCO, huhu! 

It was fun, thank you guys!

Finally I am not the main photographer, huhu!

Getting weird with weird people~

From city to kampung, hmm~
Kampung roads and the peace within it, can you live there for more than a month?

So after a simple breakfast at the paddy field, we went to the famous Gua Kelam.
It is closed due to heavy rain pour that flooded the walkway in the cave.

We were unable to go inside the cave, so we just had some fun time around.

Fun time means more photo time~

Introducing the girl next to me, the No Sunlight Girl.

This is a nice place for picnic and chilling. just quiet and nice~

    Can play with the water if you want too~

Enjoy being photographed for one time, haha~

    Then we departed to the border of Malaysia and Thailand, the Padang Besar!
At first, I was just interested in shopping~
But then plan changed, so it is ok.
Still glad to spend some time here.
The famous mango coconut milk sticky rice~

Us doing the shopping thing.
But guess what, I was not the one who spent the most, haha!
Apparently everyone bought something, so yea.

Then time flew~~
We were about to go to the dinner place.
But before that, let's chill somewhere~

And we came to this seaside area~but no beach.

Surprisingly, this place is quite happening in the evening.
Kids and family would come around to have some quality time, such as playing kites and bubbles.
It was really windy so the kites just flew stably. 

Us with the muddy seaside~

The gang of the day~


Before we went for a dinner, but we were pretty exhausted already.

Me and my childish side, huhu~

Windy day with giant bubble, great match!

So no photo for dinner cause it was late and we were hungry.
And we arrived home around 11pm+
I call it a fruitful and valuable day.
So thank you for driving us around and all the unplanned plan.
Life is a mess, but just enjoy it.
Whatever that happened, it happened for a reason.
Until we meet again.
See you!

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