The second week in USM was quite free.
I was given a task and a job by my previous boss.
That's how I made myself busy and busier.
7.30am until 7pm, is it possible?
I surrendered after I tried it for one day.
It was too tired, I cannot handle this, sorry.
I choose half day and go away~
At the same time, I salute those people who work in a market or night market.
This kind of job is not as easy as I think.

Selling paper flower for convocation.
Good experience, but tire okie~
My boss trusted me and he gave me lots of thing to handle...
I appreciate that, but I choose not to do my best.
I just try my best...
Anyway, made some new friends and had fun too. ^^
Will you attend my convocation 3 years later?
I love yellow thing XD
Eek...dreaming again~
I should call him Uncle John, why?
Because he sold the delicious Roti John, haha~
I ate this for don't know how many days , I still want it >.<
It is just bread with eggs and meat, cost RM2.50.
I love it so much!
I want to have it again, maybe next year!
Haha...I eat a lot in USM~~~
Met the noisy Keat here, what a surprise.
He is now busying with his Red
This fellow sold something powerful.
I watched him demonstrated many times,but I still can't figure it out.
What kind of solution can make you powerful after you apply few drops or you keep the whole bottle in your pocket?
Ah, I felt shy to go forward =[
This kid was really adorable.
He held a cup of drink with his two little hands and walked here and there. cute >.<
Well, convocation is always a big event.
There were many stalls selling food, clothes, flowers and etc.
Once in a life time, I am waiting for this.
This guy was a fake doll!
Well, he is real, and so gay~~with the baju kurung on him.
Haha...he didn't know that I captured his picture.
Hmm..maybe he knew it?
They were trying hard to promote some kind of clothes , I think~
It was a busy week.
Classes were canceled.
People everywhere.
Life goes on.
Take a deep breathe, phew~
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