The Music Extravaganza!


Another excited night!
Woops, it was a very busy week.
I need to sleep well, and I can't stop all these from happening.
I...can't miss this thing!
It was a crowded Saturday at DTSP, proven.

After three years, 
now I am the audience/videographer/photographer/editor/alumni.
Something big...something extravaganza.

And I am ready, after all the hectic scehedule I had.

Present to you, Music Extravaganza, from USM Jazz Band!
They play big, and bigger!
It is always my pleasure to be one of them.
Even if only as the audience.

So let's get the music feast started!
It had better be tonight~
Yesh, it's tonight!

Guest choir with some super cute young boys..haha!
Performing Beatles's all time favourite in medlley.

Favourite brass boys and girls~

Singing "Go the Distance" with such a lighting effect.
Pretty amazing.

Isn't this lovely?

Guest singer, singing my favourite "Kau Ilhamku (You are my inspiration)".
I wish someone sing it to me, with love.
Haha, but may be I will be the one singing this to someone instead.

It's good to be the audience once awhile.

And the VOV people~
So sexy huh?

The most important highlight!
Justice Khor's solo Treasure and Happy!
He is awesome, talented and bravo for the wonderful performance.

I am so proud of you, you must know that.

Ofcourse, the whole band as well.
I am so so so proud of you all~

Congratulations for everything.
It was an excellent and entertaining concert.
It was also a very complicating feeling for me...
How I wish I can be there, somehow.
But nope, everything should end someday.

Met some alumni.
Woah, we are alumni now.

It is good to see old faces, and the memories come back all at once.

All these musical people...

And the "twins"!
Don't kiss me okay~
I am shy. =P

Someday, I will smile when I see all this again.
Because of you all.

And also our meastro, Prof. Razif.
Well done, I like his music, especially "Feeling Good".
Crazy awesome! 

Last but not least!
I am done with my part after three years~ THREE YEARS!
Big relief!
Jazzophile Potpourri, please don't ask me what it means.
I thought I will not finish this task, but I've proved myself wrong.
Hey Newlove, you are wrong.
You can do more~haha!
Now I have my first published book, for my favourite band.
What I can say is:
Everything happens for a reason.
So, thank you for all the helps and advices.
I am glad to be the one to make this happen. 

Vivala musica!
As music gathers us.
Mixed feeling though...if you feel me too.

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