To 2015~

Okay, this will be the final blog post for year 2014.
Need some achievable life goals for a new year~
So, be realistic, be rational, be youself.
Need to think about future, and the meaning of my life.

I am here, because I am here to create and to be different.

I need a life with freedom, creativity and close to nature.
Quite clear of what I want, I suppose?
So, keep going on.
Dreams are not too far after we take the first step.
I am graduated, physically single, got my first official job.
Living on a peaceful land, with my loving family and friends.
In a very comfort zone, and stay very very safe...

Great things never come from comfort zone.
The first thing to do in 2015:
Get out from my comfort zone.
It is not easy, but yea, it is a life goal.
Achieve more when you expose yourself to different things.
Simple theory, but take courages.

Next, I want to make a saving of minimum 10k in my 24th year.
Sounds like a good plan.
Quite practical too.
Ok, can be done, into my life goals checklist now.

Then what?
Travel, yea.
Need to escape to a place where I can meet you...
But where should I go?
I am still trying to figure it out.
Let's do it this time, no more waiting.
I go, wherever I want to go.

Another achievable life goal for 2015:
Cut it short.
If you know what I mean.

Others like:

To get the guitar I want...and learn how to play ofcourse.

To give more than receive, to be selfless.

To be a volunteer, no more waiting.

To sing again, in the public.

To publish again, my own book perhaps?

To study again...

To be inspiring and influencial in someone's life.

To have my confidence again in doing something I am good at.

To be on the right path.

To be happy, and enjoy my life.

Should list down my life goals like what this fellow did.
Awesome one, clear and specific.
Haha, let see how many goals I will achieve this time.
No more fooling, no more wasting time.
And 2015 is just around the corner...
2 hours from now.
Have to say good bye now, 

To my 2015,

I am ready, for a new page and a new chapter.
Are you ready for me?
I am not asking for too much.
So let's do this together,
Be nice to me, okay?

Definitely will miss you too, 

Newlove Kee

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