20 Facts

I was tagged by my lovely friend, Mr. Alvin Yong in Instagram for this 20 facts about myself stuff.
I think I should do it since he is so kind and still remember me... 
Hmm, but 20 facts sound kind of a lot, I need time to really think about it.
Alright, let's begin:

1. I am short, and my dream height is 160cm. *really sad to know that*

2. I can't drink coffee and alcohol anymore. I prefer just sky juice. *hah!*

3. I have a sister and 12+14=26 cousins...woah!

4. Easily attracted to dogs and baby kids (especially boys)...it's like magnet!

5. I have tanned skin, have to love it since there is no choice.

6. Dyed my hair once,and that's it. Black hair is the best.

7. I am TOO rational cause I think a lot all the time. *According to a friend~*

8. Keep old stuffs and treasure memories.

9. Not bad in making craft/artwork but I can't draw.

10. I love to sing, but not always good.

11. I live like a man as I can ride a motorbike, and I catch cockroaches...

12. I miss Kaipy, the dog.

13. I hate and curse people who abuse animals and harm the environment.

14. I love cartoons, science fiction, adventurous and fantasy, romance, patriotic, comedy and inspirational movies. No horror movie please.

15. I have amazing friends and I love them very much.

16. I appreciate the family I have...even though nothing is perfect.

17. I believe that inner beauty, healthy body, positive thinking and smile are the best natural make up. *Cause I am so lazy to put on make-up*

18. My thoughts are everywhere, here and there. Catch it if you can.

19. Sensitive to dust, bad atmosphere, temperature and spicy food.

20. Waiting for a miracle. 

I think I can write more, but it's alright~ Hahaha!
It says 20 facts, I should just follow the rules.
Okok..., last facts: 
I am shy~

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