It says:
"Everyone goes through life experiencing enough mistakes and resulting damage that, by the time they are old enough, they have regrets.
They say hindsight is 20/20 and when you look back at your life you will know what moments you should have changed.
However, we want to help you out. Forget hindsight.
We’ve compiled a list of the 37 things you must not do or else you will definitely regret them at the end of your life.
Just read through these and trust us. It’ll be worth it.
1.) Not traveling when you had the chance. Traveling gets harder as you get older, as more people depend on your presence, day-to-day and it ends up becoming more expensive to bring more people with you.
I guess, this is not under my control, yet. It is alright, I will take my time.
2.) Not learning another language. You probably took years of another language in high school. You should put it to good use.
Learning another language is actually quite challenging, I did my best, I hope.
3.) Staying in a bad relationship. It may feel hard to get out of a bad relationship, but it’s not worse than staying in it and wasting everyone’s time.
Bad relationships huh? I have some bad relationships, maybe just a few... =(
4.) Forgoing sunscreen. It may not seem like much, but sun damage adds up over the years, causing wrinkles and discoloration.
Seriously, this is a problem that I know but I cannot avoid. Sun damage...urgh.
5.) Missing the chance to see your favorite musicians. You never truly know when your favorite band might break up, so seize the day.
I know right! Should have grab as much chances when I can!
6.) Being afraid to do things. Fear can paralyze us, but we can’t let it.
Working hard on this, fear is just an excuse.
7.) Failing to make physical fitness a priority. As you get older you’ll realize how important it is to take care of your body.
So far so good~ Just need some jogging if I am not too lazy. Hmm...
8.) Letting yourself be defined by gender roles. Define yourself, don’t let society do it.
I did not. I live like a man, somehow... haha!
9.) Not quitting a terrible job. You may need to pay rent or provide for a family, but you can’t force yourself to be miserable every day.
Well, I think this will not happen to me. Not sure though.
10.) Not trying harder in school. Grades are important, but what’s more important is learning how to apply yourself and be dedicated.
Alright, something to proud of. I have "not bad" grades. But I always forget the knowledge I've learnt. Not a good sign.
12.) Being afraid to say “I love you.” Loving another person is a precious gift, even if that same love wasn’t returned.
Ops, I love you, mum, although I never say it out loud, to people that I love.
14.) Spending your youth being self-absorbed. There is more to the world than just you and eventually you’ll realize that.
I know I am tiny, I know there are more great and amazing things out there. Will spend my youth wisely.
15.) Caring too much about what other people think. When you’re older, you’ll realize that the opinions of others don’t factor into your true happiness.
Hmm, so far no regret for this. Let me know if there is any comment you would made based on me. =)
16.) Supporting the dreams of others over your own. Being nice is one thing, but sacrificing your happiness isn’t worth it.
I am happy to support others' dreams. ^_^
17.) Not moving fast enough. Don’t hesitate to make decisions, you’ll end up regretting wasting time.
Yes! I will regret for wasting my time thinking what to do and what to eat. Move fast please!!! >.<
18.) Holding grudges, especially against those you love. Choose to let go of your pain, instead of dwelling on it.
I hope I don't, so far there is no such case. Hmm... maybe there is one?
19.) Not standing up for yourself. Just because others may disagree with you, it doesn’t mean you have to abandon your principals.
Ok, I have my own rules too.
20.) Not volunteering enough. There are countless reasons to help other people, especially when they are needy.
This... I need to take action, not just think, think, and think. I always think too much!
21.) Neglecting your teeth. Flossing and brushing may seem annoying, but it’s much better to take care of your teeth while you’re young instead of losing them later.
Regretted. Just do my best now to protect whatever teeth I have left.
23.) Working too much. You’re going to miss the good parts of life, or be too stressed to enjoy them, if you do.
As long as I enjoy working on the things I like, it is alright.
24.) Not learning how to cook one good meal. It’ll add to your family and friend get togethers more than you can ever imagine.
Yea, I will regret for not learning how to cook good food. =[
26.) Failing to finish what you start. Every day is an opportunity that shouldn’t be squandered.
Aih, my style. Bad example. =S
27.) Never mastering one awesome party trick. This seems silly, but just think of how many amazing memories you can create.
I don't know any tricks. Not even a simple magic cube. Lame me =.=
28.) Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations. If your family or country thinks you should do something for a career, you’re not forced to. Never.
31.) Never taking a big risk (especially in love). Taking a bigger risk can pay off more than taking a smaller one.
I never risk my life, I am a coward.
32.) Not taking the time to develop contacts and network. It may seem like schmoozing, but it’ll help your career in the long run.
Once upon a time, I wished that I can make a new friend a day. Now, I think this is too much. But developing network is a must. Will take my time then~
33.) Worrying too much. Worrying, especially about things that haven’t happened yet, is useless.
Worrying becomes one of my hobbies. But I always realise this. I worry too much.
34.) Getting caught up in needless drama. Drama can be addictive, but there is no point. Don’t get off on how bad your day is.
Nope, drama is not part of my life. But it cheers me up once awhile~
37.) Not being grateful sooner. Learn to say thanks and learn to mean it. So many parts of your life will improve if you do.
One of my favourite word is thank you. =)
It’s never too late to change your life, so start by avoiding these things."
I hope this article helps to improve my life and yours too.
Learn from it before it’s too late.
It's your life anyway.